Electro Technical Rating Cadet Program
The Electro-Technical Ratings (ETR) program covers the mandatory competences and the required knowledge, understanding and proficiencies prescribed in Section A-III/7, Table A-III/7 of the STCW Code.
Program duration is 51 days including assessments for program.
Content of the Course
- Auxiliary Machinery
- Engine Technology
- Marine Electro-Technology
- Electrical Equipment, Schematics and Safety
- Generators and Distribution Systems
- Ensure Compliance with Pollution Prevention Requirements
Entry Standard
- At least holder of a diploma in Basic Education K-12 Program in any of the following tracks:
a. Pre-baccalaureate Maritime Specialization under Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Strand; OR
b. Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL) Maritime Specialization;
c. Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) with the any of the following specializations:
i. Electrical;
ii. Electronics; and
iii. Industrial Technology major in electrical, electronic or instrumentation. - They must be medically fit to enable them to participate in all aspects of the training particularly the practical exercises.
Course Approval
Full program approval pursuant to MARINA Circular No. 2013-01, and STCW Circular No. 2018-02.
Target Groups
Registered Master Electrician
Registered Electrical Engineer
Registered Electronics and Communications Engineer.
51 working days