LNG Bunkering and Chemical Tanker
ERS TechSim upgraded to the latest version
26 July, 2024 by
Trygve Tønnessen

GigaMare Inc has upgraded their ERS TechSim to the latest version, significantly enhancing its training capabilities by adding new LNG bunkering and LCHS (Liquid Cargo Handling Simulator) chemical tanker models. These additions complement the simulator's existing comprehensive suite of models, which include the ANZAC 2 (ERS), LPG Tanker (LCHS), MAN BW 6S60MC-C-Vis (ERS), MAN BW ECME (ERS), and Royal Princess (ERS).

Key Features and Enhancements of the Latest ERS TechSim Update

New Models:
LNG Bunkering Model
Realistic Scenarios: Simulates various LNG bunkering operations such as shore-to-ship,
Comprehensive Training: Covers all aspects of LNG bunkering, including safety checks, risk assessments, transfer procedures, and emergency response.

LCHS Liquid Cargo Tanker Model
Detailed Operational Scenarios: Provides simulations for a wide range of chemical tanker operations, including cargo handling, navigation, and emergency response.
Safety and Compliance: Emphasizes safety protocols, pollution prevention, and adherence to international regulations and industry standards.

Enhanced Training Experience:
Interactive Interface: User-friendly, interactive interface that offers real-time feedback and guidance, enhancing the hands-on learning experience.
Advanced Physics Engine: Simulates the behavior of LNG and chemicals with high accuracy, ensuring realistic training scenarios.

Existing Models:
ANZAC 2 (ERS): Provides detailed simulations for the operations and systems of the ANZAC class frigates.
LPG Tanker (LCHS): Offers comprehensive training for LPG tanker operations, including cargo handling and safety procedures.
MAN BW 6S60MC-C-Vis (ERS): Simulates the operations of the MAN BW 6S60MC-C diesel engine, focusing on engine management and troubleshooting.
MAN BW ECME (ERS): Provides training on the MAN BW ECME electronic control module engine, covering advanced engine control and optimization.
Royal Princess (ERS): Simulates the operations of the Royal Princess cruise ship, including navigation, safety procedures, and passenger management.

Data Analytics and Reporting:
Performance Tracking: Monitors and records trainee performance, providing detailed analytics and customizable reports to identify strengths and areas for improvement.
Customizable Training Programs: Instructors can tailor training modules to meet the specific needs and skill levels of each trainee.

Customization and Flexibility:
Adaptable Scenarios: Customizable scenarios to reflect different vessel types, cargoes, and operational procedures, ensuring relevance to a wide range of maritime professionals.
Flexible Access: Remote access capabilities allow trainees to participate in training sessions from different locations, facilitating collaborative learning.

Compliance with Industry Standards:
Regulatory Alignment: Ensures that training meets international regulations and industry standards, preparing trainees for real-world operational and safety compliance.

By incorporating the latest technological advancements and expanding its model offerings, Gigamare's updated ERS TechSim provides a state-of-the-art training platform. These enhancements ensure maritime professionals are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary for safe, efficient, and compliant operations across a diverse range of maritime scenarios.

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Trygve Tønnessen 26 July, 2024
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