Human Element in Ship Simulation (Heiss)

The main objective of the course is for the participant to be able to recognize and consider external and environmental factors for team success in a dynamic environment.

0.00 0.0 USD 0.00

PHP 1.00

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    Info: Course duration is 4 days. It is common practice in safety critical industries like the military, aviation and shipping, to simulate possible scenariosin a risk-free learning environment of a simulator. GigaMare is the first TOPSIM-accredited provider of HEISS training in Asia (Feb 22, 2017). TOPSIM is a German company with over 30 years of experience in creating management simulations. Their management simulations are in use in more than 300 universities, high schools, other institutions, and companies. TOPSIM-HEISS is a maritime management simulation, designed for the shipping industry. Turning Learning Into Action (TLA) methodology is used, facilitating the leap to effective learning transfer.

    Content of the Course

    • Evaluate people data
    • Effective leadership and communication interventions on board
    • Recognize and understand resistance
    • Communication tools, and targeted communication measures
    • Experience the captain’s leadership challenges
    • Operationalize the organization’s values

    The course content has five main pillars (1) Awareness, (2) Motivation, (3) Commitment, (4) Performance and (5) Continuity

    Course Approval and Certification

    GigaMare Inc.

    Target Groups

    Ship Officers (Management and Operational Level), Superintendents, Operators, Office Staff with management responsibility.


    4 working days

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    Human Element in Ship Simulation (Heiss)

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